Come visit the Black Hills of Northeastern Wyoming. History doesn’t have a state line, and the historical aspects of the west can be seen in the Crook County Museum & Art Gallery in picturesque Sundance, Wyoming. Over 7000 artifacts are displayed in our new, permanent home at "Old Stoney". See the original courtroom where the Sundance Kid had his trial View a gun exhibit that is amazing. Experience a walk-through time in the replica barn and stable with its buggy and work tools. Glance in the bunkhouse that has all the amenities a cowboy bachelor could want Listen for the sounds of stampeding buffalo hooves as you look at the Vore Buffalo Jump diorama with all its archeology discoveries Go on an adventure of a lifetime with Custer and his men as they trek through the Black Hills in the Expedition of 1874. Learn about the items of everyday life in a pioneer home. Explore Moses Annenberg’s great hideaway - locally know as Ranch A. Browse the many unique items in the 1875 Art Gallery and Gift Shop. Take a few steps back in time on the "Sip & Walk" living history tour, if you are looking for a unique venue for your next meeting or special event - we have it here! There is a lot of history to explore at Old Stoney - See ya here partner! Make sure to explore more of Devils Tower Country.