Step into a European experience at House of Scandinavia, where you can explore authentic products from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. Founded to share the vibrant Scandinavian culture, this destination serves traditional foods, housewares, and unique collectibles that add a European flair to any occasion.

Viking and Norse Mythology Items

Why House of Scandinavia Stands Out

One thing you won’t find everywhere is the impressive collection of Viking and Norse mythology items. Imagine owning a piece of history, like a traditional Dala Horse or a handcrafted Norwegian sweater. This family-owned gem aims to bring Scandinavian stories, folklore, and craftsmanship to life.


What to Expect at House of Scandinavia

When you visit, you’ll find more than just a shop. You can wander through aisles filled with bath & body products, books, authentic tableware, and home decor items. Whether it's Christmas ornaments or modern kitchen gadgets, there’s something special for everyone. Check out the jewelry section for exquisite pieces or the kid’s section for enchanting toys.

Glass Items

Best Ways to Enjoy Your Visit

Plan your visit when they’re open, typically between May and October, or book an appointment in the cooler months. Take your time exploring—don’t rush. Ask the friendly staff about the origins of each item. They love sharing folklore stories and the history behind the crafts.

Ready for a Scandinavian Adventure?

House of Scandinavia invites you to discover a slice of Europe in South Dakota. Treat yourself to an enriching shopping experience that’s steeped in cultural heritage. Visit soon and find the perfect Scandinavian gift!