A place for art, education, preservation, economic development, culture and history. There is no other place like The Heritage Center on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. And because of this, the Center, located on the campus of Maȟpíya Lúta in Pine Ridge, has become a model and source of inspiration for many of the Lakota people—and visitors from all across the globe—who wish to honor and celebrate the Lakota culture, Native art, and our historic, significant collection. One of the earliest cultural centers and museums located on an Indian reservation in the United States, Maȟpíya Lúta -The Heritage Center represents the rich and storied heritage of North America’s Native community and the skill and creativity that remain mainstays of the local Lakota and other Native American cultures. We take special pride in our work to strengthen cultural pride and celebrate, as well as preserve, the local Lakota culture and artistic tradition. We are more than just a museum or art gallery. We are also an economic engine on the Pine Ridge Reservation. With rates of up to 80 percent unemployment here, the Lakota community faces challenging economic and social conditions in southwestern South Dakota. Yet through the Center’s renowned gift shop and online store, our local artists are empowered to increase their own economic self-sufficiency by making their incredible work available to a wider community… and in doing so, preserve their work and extend appreciation for their artistry to all corners of the globe.
Please visit Maȟpíya Lúta -The Heritage Center's online store to browse our selection of locally made Lakota tribal arts and fine arts, both contemporary and traditional and all one-of-a-kind.