Explore the amazing wildlife in the Black Hills & Badlands region, and see animals in their natural habitat. This area is full of opportunities for safe and thrilling animal encounters. From local businesses offering close-up views to self-guided tours through the great outdoors, you're in for an unforgettable experience.

Animals & Wildlife
Animals & Wildlife

Know Before You Go

Here are some must-know tips to make your wildlife adventure safe and enjoyable:

  • Respect the Animals: Always keep a safe distance and never feed wild animals.
  • Use Binoculars: Enhance your viewing experience while staying safe.
  • Stay on Marked Trails: Protect both yourself and the animals by sticking to designated paths.
  • Visit During Dawn or Dusk: These are the best times for the most active wildlife sightings.
  • Listen to Experts: Local guides and businesses provide valuable insights and safety tips.
Animals & Wildlife

Festivities in the Wild

While wildlife is a year-round spectacle, seasonal activities and local customs breathe life into the experience. From guided tours that deepen your understanding to festivals that celebrate the spirit of South Dakota, there's always something to enrich your wildlife viewing adventure.

Animals & Wildlife

The Call of the Wild is Ringing

Are you eager to experience the wildlife of the Black Hills & Badlands up close? Make plans now and start your unforgettable animal adventure today!