Bold murder during broad daylight in a boomer’s saloon on a near hopeless gold claim- all keys in the pages of deadwood’s loud and lusty past evolved into the now World Famous Saloon No. 10.Saloon No. 10 was originally located on placer claim number 10 from which it derived its name. It was a favorite of the Gold Boomer and pilgrim alike, being the preferred watering hole of Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane, Colorado Charlie Utter, Texas Jack, California Joe, Buffalo Bill Cody, Doc Holliday, Poker Alice, Wyatt Earp and of course, Potato Creek Johnny.Fire Swept the gulch in 1879 destroying the entire town. The wooden shed called No. 10 was lost, but not it’s legacy which lives today in the Old Style – Saloon No. 10.